January 31, 2008 - House of Representatives Bill 118 is the House version of Senate Bill 112 that passed 30-5 on January 30, 3008. House Bill 118 was condemned by Kentucky Equality Federation as a sneak attack (
story) by House Democrats on Healthcare Equality.
Public universities and other government agencies would not be allowed to offer health insurance to the unmarried domestic partners of their employees should this bill become law.

House Bill 118 hamstrings University of Kentucky President Lee Todd and University of Louisville President Jim Ramsey in managing their institutions, which allow health insurance for domestic partners. "We continue to hope that the legislature will allow universities to make health-care decisions that affect their employees," said UK spokesman Jay Blanton.
Senator Vernie McGaha, the official who introduced SB 112 (passed in the Senate on January 30, 2008) stated: "That marriage is between a man and a woman. I do not recognize domestic partnership as being a correct thing. My Bible teaches against it.”

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