January 11, 2008 - Senator Ernesto Scorsone had filed
Senate Bill 55 to "to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity." This non discrimination bill would bar discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in employment, housing public accommodations, insurance coverage, and credit (if passed into law).
No one should lose a job, a home, or a seat in a restaurant due to LGBT prejudice!

here to Support Senate Bill 55! Please forward this to your friends, family, etc. for action!
Senate Bill 55 Text: Amend KRS 344.010 to include definitions for "sexual orientation" and "gender identity"; amend KRS 344.020, relating to the purpose of the Kentucky's civil rights chapter, to include a prohibition on discrimination because of sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.040, 344.050, 344.060, 344.070, and 344.080, relating to prohibited discrimination in various labor and employment practices, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.025, 344.100, 344.110, and KRS 18A.095, relating to the same, to conform; amend KRS 344.120 and 342.140, relating to prohibited discrimination in places of public accommodation and advertisements therefor, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.170, 344.180, 344.190, 344.300, and 344.310, relating to the state and local human rights commissions, to include prohi bition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the scope of their powers and duties; amend KRS 344.360, 344.680, 344.370, and 344.380, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain housing, real estate, and other financial transactions, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.367, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain insurance sales, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; amend KRS 344.400, relating to prohibited discrimination in certain credit transactions, to include sexual orientation and gender identity; and make various technical amendments.