Several new action alerts need your attention. We appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to bring equality to Kentucky!
The Health Facility Patient's Visitation Right passed the House of Representatives; its fate is now in the hands of the Kentucky Senate. Kentucky Equality Federation President Jordan Palmer appealed to Senate President Williams to pass the legislation. (view)
However, the LGBTI community and our allies need to act also. Sign the action alert for the Kentucky Senate to pass House Bill 118!
HIV and AIDS healthcare in Kentucky is decimated; the Commonwealth allowed the Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program to expire. Now, lawmakers in Frankfort want to remove HIV/AIDS training requirements for licensed service providers such as physicians, registered nurses, social workers, etc. Since treatment options change rapidly, it is imperative that all health care professionals know the physical manifestations of HIV/AIDS.
The health of over 5,000 low-income Kentuckians living with HIV are already in grave danger without the Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program, and House Bill 350 will place the lives of those at risk of infection in grave danger. Sign the action alert to oppose House Bill 350, and the alert to Restore the Kentucky AIDS Drugs Assistance Program!
The time has come for genuine change in Kentucky. YOU have an impact!
OTHER 2010 CRITICAL ACTION ALERTS: (each alert will open in a new window)
1. Equality Bill - No Discrimination because of Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity.
2. Declaration for Marriage Equality in Kentucky.
3. Declaration reclaiming Kentucky's sovereignty.
2010 can be a year of change if we work for it and demand it. You have an impact.
DISCRIMINATION:Kentucky Equality Federation's Discrimination and School Bullying Committee settled a complaint against the Radio Shack Corporation, and is currently working with Wal-Mart. (more)
Continue to report your discrimination cases to us! Because we receive so many, Kentucky Equality FederationTM has established a new committee, the Discrimination and School Bullying Committee to continue to address the complaints you have been sending us since 2005! We will be your advocate!